
Friday, July 23, 2010

Kalla: A forgotten message

At that time, a story taking place in the corner of a newspaper in Aceh. Talked about the idea of a servant of the state which terketuk with the people and sorotannya confusion about the diets of people of this country.

At that moment, he flicked in a language that only a cursory look like remarks. Lucky, I still remember to this day: "We should no longer need to depend on rice. If that is healthy and can meet the needs of the body, why should only some rice? "So about 'remarks' of the nation's leaders.

Jusuf Kalla, when it is not wrong if I remember still, neither the Coordinating Minister for People's Welfare Coordinating Minister for People's Welfare. And he was not to be a sorcerer who can instantly change the face of spotty people of this country, but the idea was simple even though a cursory look quite feasible to contemplate the condition that the price mentioned is not humane. Moreover, it certainly looks about the price of rice also affects the course. Except for this last special-rice-it could also throw accusations at that embraces entrepreneurs 'religion of money', even a few days ago there was the largest tobacco companies in this country (People's Mind, 21 / 7) to bring myself to buy rice in the price high to a lot of rice that could have helped prop up people's stomachs, but instead increasingly unaffordable people.

After all, do not need too much theory, the more rare an item because it had hired that way, of course, also more sky-high prices. Truly soar, because if you just get to the clouds alone would still be affordable by all eyes, at least for visits. This was absolutely not allowed to be viewed by the people.

That last portrait that makes me flipping back the pages of newspapers which I knead and once I enter into the head, once in a while. From there terketemukan back the concept of 'simple' to people who do not merely imitate Popeye spinach er only a strong view of rice to be strong and able to move back through the day by running the minutes of live work and create.

The concept that, yes indeed posed Pak Kalla that I never shook his hand, but often I see every smile renyahnya deeply-and loaded dikoran. Remembered, too, when it's not too serious no review or even almost no articles or thoughts from the experts continued economic and social problem, other than just 'sitting' just in the paper, the idea was dead until the day that's loaded. By chance alone 'nyantol' in my head.

Pun, Pak Kalla concept that I still hold to this day. Not making it up when the bag was not friendly with the rupiah, anything that existed for it can block the stomach, swallow it without having to give up and limp just because it is not propped with rice. Trying not to follow the general pattern of deceit in this country, if not eaten rice tantamount to not eating. And, when asked, people have eaten or not, no need to answer, "I have not eaten ..." Though already berkuintal-quintal other food into the stomach. Including, 'eat wind'. (ZA)

Self-Made System Stuck

Who dug the hole then she herself would be trapped in it. Responding to comments about spending Pak Gamawan candidates in regional head election, the official salaries of the participants and winners of election if the financial terms of the obvious disadvantage those who are selected will be head of the region so it will be prone to corruption because of course there is a trend of winning election to try to cover losses or compensate for the expenditure during the preparation and the campaign period. Why Indonesia vote election system like this? Of course, this system is the result of decisions the politicians who sit in Parliament. Does this decision is a result of ignorance or a set of fools? The answer, of course not. Those who sit in Parliament was the option chosen by the Indonesian people through legitimate elections. According to the author it was no use looking for who is wrong in this but it should Wanted workable solution, acceptable to all parties and result quality. How to make the election on the cheap? Of course, a study, as a material consideration which will be contested seats will be expensive if many enthusiasts who use the influence of money, the broker will set prices and expensive to provide the opportunity to form successful teams. Strict requirements on candidates should be enacted, the candidates from outside the region, especially the candidates who will only use the influence of money must be on preventing. We recommend that candidates who received the local people who are already known and credible. while the political parties should be more transparent in its search for qualified candidates, selecting the candidate should be based on educational background and sufficient experience, the cost of dowries and cost in limiting campaign. Proliferation of candidates from among the artists who have money can be a measurement of quality and good intentions parties concerned. To improve the system of course need good regulation and supervision.

Slippery Road New BI governor

Nasution eventually be feasible and proper (fit and proper) by the Commission XI DPR-RI as the Governor of Bank Indonesia. Thus, the position has been vacant for over a year since May 2008 and then when Boediono accompany SBY as Vice President, has now been filled. Now turn to the position of Senior Deputy Governor of BI, which is currently held by Nasution, which was empty.

Properly, Nasution election as Governor of BI's hardly surprising. In addition to being concerned is the sole candidate, was also 'de facto' has served as central bank governor since July 2009. Obviously it is difficult for the Members Commission XI for assessing improper and inappropriate because in fact the functions and responsibilities of the central bank governor was on his shoulder and no errors so far. And no wonder, fit and proper test process more similar to it eventually 'Special Committee' Taxation to believe the credibility and integrity of the candidate. Especially concerned had escaped in a similar test when it became a candidate BI Senior Deputy Governor on May 11, 2009.

Aspects of competence clearly no doubt of the economic doctoral dropout Sonbourne University of Paris, France in 1996. In addition to poor transverse ever occupy strategic positions in the republic, from the Director General of Financial Institutions, Director General of Bapepam-LK and the Director General of Taxation, as well as commissioners of various companies including several banks.

During testing, concerned more bombarded with questions about the tax case. The real issue is more relevant to the position that carried previously as Director General of Taxation. In fact, for tax cases which had occurred several years ago. It is actually not too much thrown at the relevant undergo the same test as Senior Deputy Governor.

Fit and proper test process towards Nasution this time spelled out 'tough' and memecehkan record of the duration of the tests were performed. Even the implementation of its examination, it was suspended several times.

Total testing time for more than 12 hours and lasted two days. This has never happened in the history of BI governor elections in the republic. Also with the process of decision-making meeting which is open at the Commission XI last night. Although eventually agreed to the terms agreed in aklamsi. Some media referred to it as aklamsi with notes, similar opinions public accountants 'fair with the exception'.

Now, some notes from each faction that accompany the approval of the Commission XI Nasution as Governor of BI that can be a slippery path to the new governor. The Governor should really be careful not to slip. Furthermore according to the history of the fate of the republic's central bank governor was a bleak post-1998 monetary crisis then (see: Being a central bank governor, who is brave?).

The records had been demanding the governor for innovative and creative in meeting the expectations of the people's representatives. Although some records can be understood that the people's representatives had been in the realm of political communication, but can berserempetan with complex legal interpretation.

Why? Because true what should be achieved and the central bank governor, the scope of duties and scope of its authority already provided for in the Act, namely Act No. BI. Last 23 years in 1999 which amended the Law. 6 years in 2009 and, in particular lead in Articles 7, 8 and 10 along with an explanation. There was even a threat firmly against all forms of interference of other parties (intervention) against the performance of its duties as a criminal offense (art. 9 and 67).

Like a company, BI Law is the basic budget and household budget (AD / ART), thus limiting the scope of its duties and its movement. When required to move beyond existing boundaries, surely there must be an amendment to existing law.

Political and legal language are often able to mesh with the complicated, intricate and sophisticated, so very, very tiring mengurainya. Still, it must also realize that the link was to have strengthened the political and institutional mengganas for central banks around the world after the global crisis spread to ganasnya since the collapse of the financial industry in the United States mid-year 2008. Things that have long sniff by Richard Baldwin in the Economist last June 30, 2008 edition, which proved correct spreading everywhere, from South Korea, Japan to Argentina, Europe and the United States. General pressure on the base of the central bank independency status. The status was originally based on the opinion that the central bank remains free from politicization, so there is one institution that remains the focus of sustaining the economy of a country and of public interest in the strengthening of democracy. Things that often make the mainstream populist policies ahead of short-term struggle for power in elections.

Now, back to the problem of some board members earlier records. One thing that stands out is to be willing to resign when accused of responsibility in the case of Century. This may be reflecting the anger of the people's representatives urged the related difficulty of officials when the officials resign in the process of investigating a case. Apparently, council members take advantage of opportunities in article 48 paragraph (1) letter a Act of BI.

Note that other more general character of the emphasis of Board Members shall focus terhadap tasks seperti central bank must mendorong decline in mortgage interest rates, increase the efficiency of the banking and Islamic banking in order membantu pengembangan menurunkan menciptakan unemployment and jobs and must remain independent. Although several other notes briefly impressed somewhat contradictory, but the real task is already a package according to central bank mandate in the legislation. The term was cool 'goes without saying'.

Once again, strengthening the central bank's mandate from the people's representatives basically it should be. And it is understandable that those messages perklu disclosed to indicate the function the better the people's representatives in the checks and balances. Something that is a bit tarnished in earlier periods by the number of board members who are involved in various cases.

Those things are true is summarized clearly in the articles of the existing BI Act because the tasks of central banks certainly are not isolated and separate from government development programs. This is confirmed in the explanation of Article 7 and 10 of Law BI. Moreover, the authorities assess the performance of the BI is its own board members.

Which can be troublesome later on is if the records had become a kind of contract policy agreement 'with board members. Interpretation can be very flexible, especially if the time line, the order of priority and the timing is not clear libertine and unlike the one in a series of regulations that accompany the Act of BI, which is a product of true representatives of the people as well. Be different if things had been translated sebagiaman UKP4 measure the performance of the ministers. But certainly in line with the mandate of emotion stetap Article 10 of Law BI earlier.

It is a common npraktik, even a compulsion, the central bank governor was bound by a contract by the Government because it is in the realm of the executive, after the Act stipulated by the representatives of the people. Look for example the employment contract for a few years New Zealand's central bank governor with the Government tied in a Policy Targets Agreement (PTA). Or employment contracts for Canada's central bank, just as an example.

What is the record of the members of the board so it needs to be emphasized is actually also been systematically summarized in the vision and mission are presented, including efforts to make culture a central bank as a public servant. In fact, the view that the central bank is judged not care about economic growth and small people also have neatly explained. Namely, that the main task properly, the central bank actually very pro-poor, pro-jobs and pro-growth in real terms. Maintained low and stable inflation will clearly msyarakat protect the purchasing power, especially the poor and ensure continuity of sound economic growth. An achievement indeed need a healthy process that will survive and continue. Something that is clearly not an instant work. An instant process often lasts only briefly. So, the governor has promised a process-raft up river rafting and swimming to shore, as the advice of the elders, with more efficiently.

Of particular concern is that all parties pressed the wrong button because there are constraints which exist in other fields.

Challenges of the new Governor clearly does not light. Policy will always be a dilemma because of all the options that do not contain a mild consequences. Plus the economic situation and global financial markets that are still quite promising. Moreover, the economic landscape and totally changed the global politics of global post the greatest crisis that ever happened. Things that we experienced more than ten knew then. Not to mention the agenda formation and Law JPSK OJK which is in sight.

Under such conditions, policy choices must be done carefully and calculating, but it should be quickly taken. Situations that make it very easy to slip. Especially in the realm of public policy, where fees or costs that arise usually get more attention than the results. Particularly if the result of a policy can not quickly be seen and not easily measured. Something inherent in the task characteristics of an institution's central bank.

For that, it's worth recalling the message of a public official named Ken Henry, Secretary of the Treasury to the Australian Government, which became the inspiration of my first post in Kompasiana entitled 'Three Things to The Candidate Ministers'.

New BI governor, Nasution, will perform tasks in a new era, a more difficult time, dynamic and full of uncertainty. Also a period when more parties are impatient and short-sighted thinking. It's really a very slippery catwalk.

Congratulations on duty Pak Darmin, hopefully the performance of the republic's central bank is increasingly flying to help Indonesia take advantage of all the terrible potential for welfare.

Misguided August 17

I laugh satisfied (likely excited because I like what it is in school) when she recounts the origins of climbing Mustika nut. She's supposed to shape our solidarity in the celebration of August 17 - s. he said again, create exciting and fun - fun. But the mounting nut is pretty, her history as a form of abuse against the natives of Dutch civil servants, the porters who rested in the afternoon. Imagine! Climbing nut is free entertainment for the trial of civil servants while the natives because it fought prize in the tree. How this kind of crazy tradition cultivated? The funny thing is we!

Coins are stuck in a watermelon was not unlike the native scorn on paying half a penny. Mustika mother asked, why not make the race more useful? So that we younger generations know how to interpret the age of our country. Not the rah - rah eating crackers (not hidden, people do not have money, can only buy crackers!), Take the marbles with a spoon or sack race (as a reminder of earlier times was not able to buy clothes). Is this how we normally welcome the independence of the country? I'm interested (and certainly impressive) if the August 17 celebration event includes a speech contest, debate, reading the text of the proclamation or discussion to discuss ideology. While the younger generation do not know nothing, blind to the basic meaning of the state, not understand how loving nation.

Waste of money as a form of good feelings against the country's independence day is not the best option in tough economic time. Gali and continue to dig the positive side of this country.

Other national holidays (as a distraction) need visiting. Kartini's day, father's mother in great - the early morning throng renting salon for grooming her daughter to look pretty, wiggle on stage, showing how expensive kebaya worn. National Children's Day, gaungnya inaudible. What does it mean that without the big day there is something we (especially our youth) get? Hehe, we actually spend money as a contribution to the celebration of the scene in one day. He said an expensive school, how can - usually levied for things less meaningful? Reflection of contemporary education, the important Hepi (read: No less prestige and majestic in the event if it should be proportional to establish with other schools. The more expensive the more fun!).

Friday at the State Palace

for some people, Friday was short. however, for we are often playing to the palace, friday is a day long because it is harvest time. of course, this experience occurs during the first period of government beye pack. yes, any time between 2004 to 2009.

because it is harvest time, the editors of our respective offices are often overwhelmed. overwhelmed because it is the number of news that comes from the palace. for print journalists is limited space, this increase certainly overwhelmed. difference for example with friends in other media such as radio, online, or news agencies such as between. on a Friday for example, a news agency reporter between being able to make seven news.

however, it used to be. for the period from now, I do not know even feel it. mesipun win more soundly and need only one round, I often do not see the palace there in the middle of a real community problems. about the gas cylinders that claimed many lives and futures of children for example. about basic electricity rate increase plan that makes businesses nervous because the reference count is different. about the legal task force to eradicate mafia strange news.

among all the issues that, try and see. where the occupants of the palace menggulati present real problems people? I may be less sensitive. however, I feel the difference. for comparison of course the first period.

in the first period the court's role is not too special. however, at least we can ask and be ready to answer to every problem faced by real people. not in an independent court, not in state court. but at the vice presidential palace that is between Jalan Medan Merdeka Selatan and betel garden path place.

because of the certainty of our party who could be asked and be ready to answer, entering Friday is a boon as well. fatigue and a number of issues concerning the role of government and the states that are not answered in the days before we could ask pertangungjawabannya. for this, the palace of vice president Jusuf Kalla pack received with open arms.

so that no one catch, I do not want to compare the palace is currently vice president with the first period beye pack. not at all. I am sure, every leader has their own style and unique way to mobilize the people they lead.

return to open arms pack Kalla receive any fatigue, and problems faced by real people. since the beginning of occupying the palace, Mr Kalla was volunteered to be asked about anything. time for Friday prayers at the mosque selapas vice presidential palace.

What brought the question and answered a reporter asked Mr Kalla. call instance of the problem is not important, such as polygamy aa gym until Kalla octopus big family business. all the Pak Kalla answered openly. no answer engineering questions or setting of a pack of Kalla. all flowing menjawabi all questions arising from the reporters.

because of the many questions that can be asked and then answered, Mr. Kalla do not forget to always carry a small Kerta. pilot ballpoint tersemat mainstay always in my pocket to record and aid memory. in one shot Friday, there could be 10-15 questions.

it must be admitted, after the questions and answers given, the issue is not resolved immediately. often just opened new problems previously not seen because of the presence of the statement. you will recall how the style pack Kalla answer questions and respond to problems.

however, at least for me, the presence of the person responsible for the problems his people have to bring peace.

therefore, Mr Kalla departure from the palace is not expected to carry out the tradition that I think good and should be continued. yes, tradition and presence in the middle of responding to the real issue of his people after jumatan. however, hope is not true.

I do not need to explain how it is today. other than because I have not often played to the court again, even from a distance each of us can feel how. gone some friends from the vice presidential palace in the second period at least provides an illustration.

but never mind. no need to mourn. changes had to happen. nonetheless, each has a unique leader and styles. We just wait uniqueness Pak Boediono who currently lives in the palace Vice President and many of his supporters. I am sure, sir boed even thinking about real problems faced by the people. perhaps the real issue of people's thinking has been reported to pack beye who helped. pak pak boed not spoken for beye indeed as a servant?

for the photos, I share the uniqueness of the day Friday at the palace when I was still often playing over there in the first period beye pack. I call it unique because of the unusual Kalla pack together pack beye friday prayers at the mosque next to the court's independence. then, turmoil and political infighting associated UKP3R led the pack Marsillam Simandjuntak middle forefront.

Kalla appeared before the pack of reporters to answer all questions related to heat-related UKP3R after jumatan as usual, pack pack beye Kalla called into his office. time if you forget is dated 3 November 2006. talks over the four eyes in the workroom beye pak, pak Kalla invited to ride a golf cart toward the mosque on the west side of the court's independence. jumatan meeting before that, Mr Kalla told who was the driver controller.

I am still happy to just find it. however, some of my friends who have paid a lot of news to his office grouchy face. friday, there was no harvest in the palace.

greetings famine.

Half a Heart Protection!

WE, the weight should be called, has not really care about the kids, the generation that will determine the fate of this nation of black and white. It can be seen, at least from our appreciation to the warning HAN (National Children's Day) is still low. Many of us do not even know that July 23 is the day the child. Momentum for all elements of our nation to evaluate and reflect on the development of national children rose passed without meaning.

Since initiated by former President Suharto in 1984 and, until now, the National Children's Day July 23 is yet to receive great attention. He, for instance, still less prestige than Kartini Day April 21, even by Mother's Day December 22. Motion of gender equality and respect to women, are clearly important. However, certainly not more than the strategic thought of the fate of the children, a group believed to be the nation's assets.

We're a quarter century, every year to celebrate National Child Day. However, the fate of our children in general are still apprehensive. That, perhaps, because attention and our policies are still merely inclined to uphold the interests of adults. Meanwhile, the National Children's Day always stops limited to ceremonial events. Not to raise awareness at the level of how to empower children so they become the next generation of reliable.

Until now, millions of Indonesian children are forced to live on the streets hard and wild. They become beggars, buskers, hawkers newspapers, and bullies. Meanwhile, other kids their age are in the classroom while studying and playing happily with their friends. Due snared family poverty, many children are forced excessive economic burden by contributing to earn a living.So they do not have time to enjoy childhood a cheerful and pleasant.

The phenomenon of street children is still one of the classic problems in developing countries, including Indonesia. Poverty has forced the children present at the corners of the city slums.They, for the sake of sustaining the family economy, the material must scramble to compete in the middle of a cruel urban combat.

Violence wrought by the violence of living of poor children to make them grow as a person who split. Precocious and become a man with a low character because no adequate educational world taste. How could we rely on the future of this nation to the man with such qualities.

Therefore, we still need to pay greater attention to the fate of the children with concrete details the fundamental solution. Unlike all these years. Calling the children as a national asset just jargon. Because many policies often we pergoki precisely opposite to the interests of protecting and saving the huge investment.

BY honestly say, the task of improving the quality of Indonesian children are there on the shoulders of us all. Families, communities and countries. But of course the state has the greatest responsibility. Because, that's the reason why this country was founded, namely the intellectual life of the nation, promote the general welfare, and protect all the native land of Indonesia.

This is to be achieved by the state, through the conductors of the state, through government programs. But, in fact, there also lies the problem. Since independence in 1945, until now, intelligence, prosperity, and it has not been obtained keterlindungan evenly. There are still millions of citizens of this nation that has not tercerdaskan because of the poor and oppressed life as weak.

Protect your children by giving the course of their rights, their minimum rights to education and health. Indeed, there was quite encouraging the development of government policy in education.Now there are so-called free education for nine-year compulsory education.

However, this government program with a weight should be called, has not been running satisfactorily. There are still many poor families who can not afford access to education up to junior high school who supposedly called it for free. Because, apparently still expensive tuition fees. They still have to buy the various needs of school children, such books as only a little lesson packages are free. Not to mention to buy school uniforms.

For the haves, bought various needs of their children's school is certainly not a problem. They have prepared the budget since the distant days, for the future of his beloved children. But for poor families, expensive school fees would be a big problem. When to eat day-to-day difficulties, then send their children to be not a priority. From this perspective may explain why children drop out of school is still a common in this country that he said this jinawi Gemah Ripah loh.

The right to health is also not yet obtained our children properly. We know, every day many children from poor families should be treated because their parents are late for no cost. There should be blind, paralyzed, or dead, because families can not afford to take them to hospital treatment.

Except for education and health inequality, our children too often become victims of domestic violence. Apparently, some parents still regard children as property to be treated arbitrarily.Thus, persecuted for reasons of educating a child or to vent their annoyance, as if into something commonplace.

Violence against children also should concern us all. That no longer play jewer, cursing, hitting, which makes children physically injured and his heart. Really, there are many agendas shall be completed to get out of the boy's cross-world chaos. ***

Children in conflict with the law remains a thorny problem. (Doc: Sekar Sari / LTV)
CHILD is a future investment. Everyone would agree with this term. As an investment, he shall be treated, maintained, and developed with care. That, of course through the provision of an adequate education. The children shall be educated not only so smart, but more than that to have character. To make smart, this task becomes a large portion of the school. While that character, it becomes the responsibility of family and community.

The development of the characters become so important because precisely these factors greatly affect the future of children. Because, in fact, almost all world leaders are not smart people, but people who have that character. People usually have a charismatic character.Strong character will also make a person smarter and able to think ahead.

They are usually also capable of reading problems, then quickly find a way out. That is why, someone who has a general character can be relied upon to be good leaders. And, two important factors that affect the child's character is the family and the environment.

Therefore, children should be kept away from the family environment and social environment that allows them to grow into a bad tempered man. Family and the environment should provide a good example. Children are usually treated with a hard, usually the people with ugly personalities as adults. There is a lack of confidence and fear of making mistakes doubter. Or become rough because of the human character are trained to solve the problem with boxing as taught their parents.

When the environment is conducive, the state turns its main task. Namely, the intellectual life of the nation by providing quality education accessible to all people easy. Education funding policy provides a minimum 20 percent of the total state budget, deserves our appreciation.

On the political willingness of the organizers of the country, quality education can be expected to improve. Therefore, the broader opportunity to correct various deficiencies in the education sector through the increase in this budget. Educational facilities can be improved, teachers are also a chance to improve their knowledge because they can go to school again at the expense of the state.

Cost of education, thus, will also be cheaper because the parents no longer provide all the needs of school their children. Large budget did allow for free school materialized as the constitutional rights of all citizens.

Later, education was not only able to enjoy the rich like so far. School dropout who became a source of various social ills, such as juvenile delinquency, prostitution, and street children, so be pressed. We are excited and gave high appreciation to the government on its commitment to the education side of this.